Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Kaye Abshure (Winters)
Tom Anderson
Mary Autry (Ford)
Kenny Bearry
Vina Bearry (O'Neil)
Lawrence Bellatti
Woodie Berry
Charlotte Best (Meufeld)
Howard Boatman
Judy Brewton
Mary Brooks
Lloyd Caldwell
Renona Cherry (Zozgornik)
Clay Buster Clanton
David Clodfelter
Ann Cockrell
Dan Cockrell
Tim W. Cole
Ronald Cox
Gary Crenshaw
Barbara Davis
Maureen Deal (Seavey)
Carol Denny (Antle)
Becky Doss (Tomlinson)
Louise Dowell (King)
Fred J. Dries
Mary Dryden (Harrison)
Phyllis Duesberry (McCoy)
Virginia L (Ginger) Ferris
Harold Hal Flager
Eldon Fleming
Frank Friedemann
Norman D. Grade
Claud R. Green
William J. Bill Griffiths
Ricky Grisham
Jimmy Harris
Sue Haycraft (Santee)
Harry Hank Heath
Royce Herndon
Elsie Hesson (Howell)
Mary A Hock (Russell)
Jackie Hooper (Morrison)
Wayne Human
Marla Johnson
Herbert Edmond Ed Jones
Mary Jane Kidder
David E. Gene Killion
Kathleen S. Kincaid
Kay Langley (Gales)
Dorothy Ledbetter (Morris)
Charles C. Leivo
Carol Long
H. C. Loyd
Linda Lutton (McWherter)
Sue Marlow (Streeter)
Jane Mathews (Miller)
Judy Mattox (Helms)
Patricia McBride
Linda McCollum (Parker)
Margaret McCullaugh
Carl McDaniel
Terry McFarland
Dora McGlory (Staley)
Maxine Myers (Steanson)
Gordon Nelson
LaRena Ottinger
Mary Nell Parrott (Stamatis)
Delores Pyles (Haley)
Ladonna Reagan (Midby)
Mike Reding
Jan Reichman (Honeyman)
Kenny Rhea
Paula Ridennour (Johnson)
Joan Roth
Louella Rust (Hall)
Ann Scherich
Val F. Schott
Joan Schroeder (Brooks)
Ted Sebring
Judy Sharpton (Buntin)
Delores Shingleton (Beagle)
Norman Shipley
Ruth Shipman (Newsom)
LaVada Sloan (Wood)
Marilyn Smith (Rudebock)
Nancy Smith
Patricia Spann
Weseley Spencer
Wesley Spencer
Gary Steuer
Ginger Swanson (Ferris)
Ann Sweney
Richard Swisher
Monica Terrill
Earlie Andrew Thomason
Mickey Upton
Thelma Vick (Wallace)
Judy Vinyard
Ivan Vivas
Carol Wakelee (Pedigo)
Patricia Wakelee (Bradley)
Barbara Wallace
Phyllis Warden (Summers)
Barbara Washburn (Fels)
David Wehr
Floyd Charles Wheatley Jr.
Richard Wheeler
Anita White (Smith)
Gloria Whitefield
Nicky Whitely (Lakey)
Delila Wild
Jim Wilson

Guest Members

Harold TESTProfile